Guitar Workshops by Henry Shapiro

Guitar Workshops by Henry Shapiro
Newton, MA 10 AM - noon

July 18 - 23 beginner
July 25 - 30 beginner
August 1 - 5 intermediate

Gulpan = guitar ulpan, an intensive guitar practicum for vocal accompaniment and songleading

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Location for Workshop on ANTS Campus

We will be meeting in the small sanctuary in the back and bottom floor of Wilson chapel. Just drive around the back of the building. There's parking, wheelchair access and AC, wheee!

If you're not familiar with Andover Newton Seminary campus, here's a link to a map. Wilson chapel is building #21

If you're wondering what besides your guitar you should bring, I'd say a tuner, capo, guitar strap, and notebooks would be useful. I have a couple spare music stands but we need some more if you can bring one. You're welcome to use recording devices if you want. You should also have some kind of metronome for practicing at home.

Please send me an email confirming which week you're attending even if you mentioned it to me before. I'm trying to get an overall count on who's coming for which week.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Practicing and Songs for Workshop Prep

Practicing Chords
You should work on and know the chords - E, Em, D, Dm, A, Am, B7, C, G
Make sure all the notes of the chords are clear. If you're having difficulty, check out for some pointers. Practice going back and forth between 2 chords with a metronome. If you don't have a metronome, you can go and find an online one. Allocate 20-30 min/day. Precision is the key, not speed.

Songs for Workshop
Have 3 songs you can get through for the workshop. If you need some songs check out a couple song sheets compiled by Jeff Klepper

Jewish Songs with 2 Chords:

Jewish Songs with 3 Chords:

There's also a couple hundred Jewish songs at

Monday, June 20, 2011

Pre-Workshop Lessons and Registration

Wednesdays 10 AM on:
June 22
June 29
July 13

I set the pre-workshop and 'very beginner' lessons for the next couple of wednesdays at 10AM. If you don't think you can make the workshops, you're still welcome to attend them. They will be held at Sturtevant Hall on the Andover Newton Seminary Campus across from the library. One lesson is included free for workshop attendees and $10 for others. We will be covering basic chords, hand and body position, practicing and other things you need to get started or refresh.

I'm now taking reservations for the workshops. Fees are $125 for the 1st workshop and $100 for additional ones if received by July 11. After that the fee goes up $25.

Make check payable to:
Henry Shapiro
210 Herrick Rd.
Campus Box 16
Newton, MA 02459

Put down the week you're signing up. Please contact if you have any questions. Check for further updates.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Gulpan - Updates

Workshop Dates - July 18, 25, Aug 1st
I'm very happy with the response I've gotten. As of now, I'm planning on running the workshop for the weeks of July 18, 25 and August 1. The July 25th session will be a continuation of the 18th beginners level, though newcomers will be accepted. The August 1st week will be for a more intermediate level. If you've attended the earlier workshops, kept up with the practicing, and have been progressing, you should be ok taking it. We will be learning and using barre chords however.

Fees$400 for one workshop, $300 for each additional session should you want to continue. Talk to me if you want to trade for scholarships/discounts.

Pre-Workshop Lessons 1st lesson included with workshop. Additional lessons $10 each.

I'm planning on giving basic beginning group lessons before the workshop, once or twice a week at a time to be determined (I'm open on times and may do another doodle). These will be for people who have never played or are very rusty. If you have special physical or posture issues, I will try to help you with that. Following the Ulpan analogy, I would like to see everyone at the aleph plus level going into the workshop, meaning you can play the chords mentioned previously even if very slowly. I will also outline how to set up a practice schedule and will look at your guitar if you want me to evaluate it for playability.

I've been working out the workshop program and think it will be fun and productive for all. As stated previously, I'm maximizing it so ideally half the time will spent playing. This is the best way I know to rapidly improve.

Keep checking this site for updates. I will post registration information within a couple days.

Btw, I have another blog I posted previously that may be helpful:

Also check the lower right hand section marked 'Pages'. I will be putting music and info in there.